
Pereira Seafood Range

Pereira Seafood is a family-owned business with its origins in Portugal. I was briefed to design a fresh new look for their packaging to suit the retail market here in SA. I wanted to show the beauty of the raw product with a suggestion of how it could be prepared using fresh ingredients usually associated with the different types of seafood.

Working with a great stylist and photographer team, we created a range of packaging that stands apart from other ranges which traditionally use images of cooked seafood.

c 2019 birdesign

Posted in Packaging

Estate Paints

A entry level paint brand was developed

Posted in Packaging

Shelley Lingerie and Hosiery

Briefed to refresh the Shelley lingerie and hosiery packaging, a fresh colour palette using a pearlescent cream base was chosen in combination with a simple, clear typography. The look & feel was applied across various packaging types to form a cohesive look for the various areas.

c birdesign 2017

Posted in Packaging

Stone Harbour Denim

A refreshed look for the Edgars in-house brand, Stone Harbour Denim. A fresh colour palette and kraft board substrate with bold typography make the area easier to shop.

c birdesign 2017

Posted in Packaging

Olli Organics Baby Biscuits

Based on the graphic language already developed for their range of cereals, a fun and illustrative approach was applied to the Baby Biscuits using the Olli character.

c 2009 strappmurray (freelance)

Posted in Packaging

Squish Baby Range of First Foods

The Squish Baby range of baby food packaging was designed as part of a range extention to the client’s existing range of puréed fruit smoothies aimed at toddlers and younger children. Taking cues from the existing range, a softer version of the logotype was developed, to create a more baby-friendly feel. The existing toddler range uses a monkey character as a primary graphic device, so a baby monkey was introduced as part of the Baby Squish logotype. A soft, pastel colour palette was chosen, and clean photography of the ingredients was developed to create simple, and clear communication of the different flavours.

c birdesign 2011

Posted in Packaging

Ackermans Schoolwear Packaging

The schoolwear area in Ackermans was looking to update their packaging by creating a stronger identity for the Groundworx brand, and to improve the shopping experience by creating a clearer definition between the products available for girls and boys.

A new badge-like logo was developed, and the corporate green across all products was replaced with a combination of a more apple green (for boys) and a coral (for girls). A simple typographic grid was applied for clear communication of product description and any features/benefits.

c 2010 strappmurray (freelance)

Posted in Packaging

Ackermans Home Range

Briefed to modernize the existing look & feel and to improve the shopping experience of the homeware area. A palette using a bold, contemporary charcoal base in combination with a bright spot colour palette to differentiate between products was developed. A simple typographic grid was used with clear distinction between product description and the features/benefits. The look & feel was applied across various packaging types to form a cohesive look for the area.

c 2010 strappmurray (freelance)

Posted in Packaging

Squish Breakfast Range

A new range of breakfast snacks developed for the on-the-go mum.

c birdesign 2014

Posted in Packaging